
Send in your proposals!

To enrich the proposals that will constitute each workshop’s theme-based file, please complete the form below. You may also attach a document (.pdf format) if you wish.


What are the main issues evoked by this theme?:

What proposals does the participant put forth?:

What are the most significant experiences?:

Author of the proposal (name, firstname, organisation, biography, etc.):



You solemnly declare that you are the author of the contributions and/or documents transmitted. In this capacity of author, you agree that your contributions and/or documents, as well as your first and last name and title, may be published on the JAGA website. The additional contact information you provide (address, etc.) will be included in the ARGA directory but will remain confidential.

Along 2013, your contribution forms will be made available in French, English and Arabic. ARGA agrees to ensure their translation to the extent of its means. If, however, you have at your disposal or are able to provide us with a translation into one of the three conference languages, we would like to thank you in advance for doing so.