Choice of participants – The theme-based files
Preparation of the conference is primarily based on two points: choice of participants and creation of a theme-based file for each workshop.
Participants are chosen on the basis of two criteria: legitimacy and representativeness. While legitimacy is based on reputation (experience, competency, contributions to the definition and implementation of the project, etc.), representativeness is guaranteed by the presence of all African regions and all socio-professional categories.
Geographically, Africa is divided into six sub-regions (five regions corresponding to sub-regional institutions and the sixth to the African community living abroad) and each sub-region should be represented. Participants from each sub-region should meet a socio-professional criterion by belonging to one of the following 13 categories:
States and government institutions (State-level civil servants, military personnel, local civil servants);
Private sector;
Scientists, universities and think tanks;
Traditional and religious leaders;
Rural producers (farmers, herders, etc.);
Media, communicators and cultural actors;
Young people;
Professional organisations;
Local elected officials;
Integration organisations;
Political parties;
Actors in development (NGOs, development cooperation partners, etc.).
The proposals to be discussed, organised in 5 workshops, shall each be the object of a theme-based file. Three phases shall be respected in the creation of the theme-based files, which shall analyse and summarise all contributions made. The first phase consists in using the ARGA resource-site as a basis on which to build. This site includes documents collected over the past ten years. The second phase consists in building on this foundation with documents and contributions from each of the six sub-regions. Finally, the participants selected also agree to make a personal contribution, prior to the conference, by answering three questions pertaining to the theme they shall address:
What are the main issues evoked by this theme?
What are the most significant experiences?
What proposals does the participant put forth?
Contributions, organised by proposal and/or workshop, will be put on line as they are collected. Contribution forms and document summaries will be available in French, English, Portuguese, Arab.
See also the methodological note: Workshops methodological note